Enjoy The Holiday Rush With A Twist


The holidays are just around the corner and as part of the Yuletide tradition, the season comes with people’s heightened passion for shopping. As the streets start to light up with festive decorations, so do the eyes of shoppers as they set their sights on bargains galore. To help them keep up with the Christmas rush, URC Coffee Twist shares these energizing tips.

Shop early, eat breakfast. Go to the shopping center as soon as it opens and get first dibs on all the amazing offerings. But before braving the bargain jungle, make sure that you are well-geared up by eating a healthy breakfast to keep you fueled throughout the shopping day. Smell a tree or something citrus. This helps to reinvigorate you so you can complete that Christmas list.

Take a moment to take deep breaths. Inhaling and exhaling longer increases the oxygen levels in our bloodstream, relaxing the body. This helps you to focus more, especially when you’re overwhelmed with all the wonderful Christmas deals and displays.

Rest to relax. When your feet are already sore from too much mall-roaming, sit on the nearest chair and let your muscles rest and relax a bit. After a few minutes, you’ll be ready for more shopping.


Do the twist. Spread your arms wide. Exhale and turn your upper body to the right and inhale to go back to the center. Repeat this on the left side. This simple stretch will help tired back muscles—sore from supporting armfuls of purchases—feel better. Drink the twist. Giving shoppers an energized shopping experience is the delicious instant booster, Coffee Twist. It’s a refreshing ready-to-drink iced-coffee that offers drinkers a rejuvenated feeling with its delicious aroma and full-bodied coffee taste.

Coffee Twist comes in Classic, Hazelnut and Orange flavors. The Classic flavor is for those who want their coffee sweet and black with a twist, the Hazelnut flavor is for those who love their coffee sweet and nutty, and the Orange flavor is for those who want their coffee a little tangy in taste. Invigorating, convenient and affordable, it comes in 230ml sip-and-seal bottles for just P9. So complete your Christmas adventures with Coffee Twist for that amazing shopping experience with a twist. Available in leading supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations nationwide.


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