2016 Christmas Card Collection by Samantha Kaspar


Christmas by the beach, a pretty angel with pink lips and rosy cheeks, snow capped trees and colorful houses–these are how the young and beautiful Samantha Kaspar depicts the holidays in her 2016 Christmas Card Collection. Sam is a non-verbal autistic who uses her talent to raise funds for schools and foundations that support autism.


The proceeds will go to 3 schools and 3 foundations that support autism namely: One World School, Reach International School, Autism Hearts Foundation, Shine Intervention Center, Julyan’s Pine Beach Farm and The Center for Possibilities Foundation, Incorporated.

For inquiries, visit l’entrecote Corner Bar & Bistro at Unit A Bellagio II, Burgos Circle, Forbes Town Center, Bonifacio Global City or call 856-4858, 836-2764 or 0915-382-1529 and 0917-519-9153.
