CARA Welfare Philippines Re-launches Website


CARA Welfare Philippines was established in 2000 by a group of animal lovers determined to improve the lives of street animals here in the Philippines by the Spay/Neuter method to control the fast growing population. As it nears its 12-year anniversary as a non-profit organization, CARA aims to help even more animals through their low cost Clinic in Malate as well as their Adoption, Education and Trap Neuter Return Programs.
As part of CARA’S continued growth, they are re-launching their website in an effort to make CARA more visible in mainstream media and society. Their new site will be easier to navigate, as well as be more informative, visually appealing and intimate. In depth information about the organization’s programs and events, as well as stories about rescues, will be accompanied by photos and updates. The newsletter will provide the latest news on their activities, events, health and medical tips as well as our featured animals up for adoption.

They hope that their friends, followers, fans, sponsors and benefactors will enjoy the time and effort that  the organization is putting into the new and improved site. Please visit CARA’s website at


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