Trying Out Doggie’s Choice


No, not on me. But on my dogs. Hahahahaha!

Anyway, I was given a kit containing the Doggie’s Choice products above to try out on my pets. I got an anti tick powder, an herbal shampoo, and a powdered cleanser for the pet house.

The first product that I decided to try was the Pet House Cleanser from their Pet Cleanser Line.  Typically, after removing the dog’s waste and hosing the area with water, I douse it with a mixture of powdered laundry detergent and lemon-scented bleach and then commence scrubbing. But instead of using the usual mixture, I used the Doggie’s Choice Pet Cleanser. I sprinkled a bit on the floor and started scrubbing and what I immediately noticed was the cool, pleasant menthol smell it gave off. According to kit, it contains “a special, non-hazardous formulation consisting of menthol and BPMC-Carbamate that eliminates bacteria, fungi and parasites. Aside from these benefits, it also repels egg-laying mosquitoes and kills other house pests like cockroaches, mosquitoes and even mice.”

After hosing it down and letting it dry, I was happy to learn that the floor of the dog enclosure smelled clean and fresh. Unlike if I used the detergent and bleach solution. After scrubbing and washing it off, I still have to douse it with a bleach and water solution and allow that to dry if I want it to smell clean and fresh.

The next product I tried was the Herbal Dog Shampoo from their 3-in-1 Herbal Line, with three herbal ingredients: Madre De Cacao, Guava and Aloe Vera. The 3-in-1 herbal Line was designed for maintenance and continuous protection from ticks, fleas and mange. This line also includes a soap.

I’ve known for years of guava’s, especially the leaves, bactericidal properties and how it is often used to treat wounds, minor cuts and skin irritations. And that aloe vera is a good hair conditioner. What I didn’t know about was Madre de Cacao’s anti-parasitic and anti-fungal properties.

Going back to testing it, I gave the dogs a bath two days ago using the shampoo. It lathers nicely, and smells so good. It smelled like a popular brand of shampoo for people. I was tempted to use it on myself.

I shampooed the dogs twice, which is what I usually do in the absence of soap, and left the shampoo on for about five minutes as per package instructions. Once they’ve been rinsed and fully dried, I noticed that the coat seemed fuller, soft and smelled wonderful. Two days later and the dogs still smelled wonderful, and while the fur may have slightly settled, it still seemed light-weight and bouncy.

I didn’t get to try the Anti-Tick and Flea Powder because luckily, my dogs are tick and flea free.

So how do I find the products?

Responsible pet ownership dictates that what ever product you use on your pets and to clean their domiciles should not be harmful to them. And I am trying my best to be a responsible pet owner.

Before Doggie’s Choice, I cleaned their pen with strong detergents and chemicals to keep it fresh and clean. I also buy a very expensive imported dog shampoo. I believed it was a good product to use on my dogs because the results were fantastic, but aside from being a bit pricey, it was also a bit hard to find at times.

I am confident to say that I am happy with Doggies Choice. I was truly satisfied with the results and I think so are my dogs. I’m glad I was introduced to Doggie’s Choice. At least now I’ve found a better alternative. And that is my verdict.

Doggie’s Choice range of pet care products also includes  Anti-Mange  and Anti-Tick and Flea lines, and are available at the pet care section of supermarkets.


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